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Kaspersky products for home and home office are specifically designed to provide hassle-free and quality protection against viruses, worms and other malicious programs, as well as hacker attacks, spam and spyware.

For Windows
»  Kaspersky Standard
»  Kaspersky Plus
»  Kaspersky Premium + Kaspersky Safe Kids 1 Year Free
»  Kaspersky Total Security
»  Kaspersky Standard
»  Kaspersky Plus
»  Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection
»  Kaspersky Premium + Kaspersky Safe Kids 1 Year Free
»  Kaspersky Internet Security
»  Kaspersky Standard (Kaspersky Anti-Virus Key) (Windows Only)

For Mac
»  Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac

For Mobile Devices
»  Kaspersky Internet Security for Android

For USB Flash Drive
Kaspersky solutions for small business are designed to provide effective protection from all types of Internet threats and are easy to install and use without special administration tools.

»  Kaspersky Standard
»  Kaspersky Plus
»  Kaspersky Premium + Kaspersky Safe Kids 1 Year Free
»  Kaspersky Standard
»  Kaspersky Plus
»  Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection
»  Kaspersky Premium + Kaspersky Safe Kids 1 Year Free
»  Kaspersky Internet Security
»  Kaspersky Standard (Kaspersky Anti-Virus Key) (Windows Only)
»  Kaspersky Total Security